
Recipe Ideas

Asian Style Chicken & Avocado Lettuce Cups by @emsswanston

Serves: 2-4
Cooking Time: 15 minutes

@emsswanston recipes are always delectable

and this Asian Style Chicken in Lettuce Cups is

no exception. Emma is raising her young kids

while creating nourishing recipes, what a star.


2-3 C cooked Chicken
2 Tbsp Greek style yogurt
Pinch of garlic
Onion powder
1 Tbsp Table pf Plenty Asian Black Sesame Dukkah
1 tsp coconut oil/ghee
2 cloves of crushed garlic,
1 knob of freshly grated ginger, a pinch each of S&P + a splash of coconut aminos
1 Avocado
Fresh chilli

  1. 2-3 C cooked Chicken mixed with 2 Tbsp Greek-style yogurt, a pinch of garlic, onion powder & 1 Tbsp Table pf Plenty Asian Black Sesame Dukkah. Salt and pepper to taste
  2. 2 C Garlic & Ginger Cauli-rice cooked in 1 tsp coconut oil/ghee with 2 cloves of crushed garlic, 1 knob of freshly grated ginger, a pinch each of S&P + a splash of coconut aminos
  3. Served with – Avocado, Fresh Chilli, Lime, Coriander
  4. Loaded it all into a couple of cool, crisp lettuce leave &
  5. Sprinkle with remaining  Table pf Plenty Asian Black Sesame Dukkah

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